
Monday, December 3, 2012

Chiang Mai

So in case anyone was wondering, the sleeper train was amazing!! And don't worry dad, I took a picture of the train for you ;) The 12 hour ride went by quick considering the first couple of hours were spent in the restaurant car turned into a disco-tech when some Europeans took over ;) And the duration of the ride was spent sleeping until we arrived in Chiang Mai the next morning. Since we got here yesterday, we have been relaxing poolside, and eating...a lot!! Last night there was a huge Sunday Market and Claire, Marina, and I tried a little bit of food from each stall, followed by an amazing dessert called Roti (Like a crepe with banana and chocolate yum yum yum!)
Then we checked out all the booths selling anything from lanterns to jewelry to essential oils. After the market, Marina and I found an awesome black light reggae bar which played anything and everything but reggae music, haha! But there was a great atmosphere and a lot of cool backpackers so we were happy.
And today, Day 6, was spent mostly planning and once again...eating, but tonight we changed it up a bit and had Burmese cuisine which was delicious!
Now it's off to bed because tomorrow Claire, Marina, Clay, and I are taking an overnight trip to the mountains where we are going to be training and taking care of elephants! So excited!!! Good Night!
Cultural tip of the day: Monks CAN have tattoos... who would have thought ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole!
    Georgeanne and I are so jealous but we're really happy you're having such an awesome time! Patty, Georgeanne and I stuff 100 envelopes with t-shirts and letters today--just another day at the office.
